A Solo NYE Survival Guide

Don’t feel bad if you’re not doing anything *AMAZING* or *SPECIAL* for Christmas & NYE or spending it solo: you’re not alone

Yash Chheda
2 min readDec 26, 2017

The whole artifical facade of semi-forced holidays has been designed that way to make us feel like shit about ourselves so that we’ll go out looking to fulfill that *loneliness* or *emptiness* & spend more money on overpriced reservations & shit service.

Marketers & especially social-media has conditioned us into thinking that way, taking advantage of our inherent *cognitive biases* & the *dopamine reward system* so that we're constantly comparing ourselves to others: our body-size, income, partner & friends, vacations, toys we buy for ourselves & so on & so on.

Since we're also tribal creatures because of our hunter-gatherer ancestry, it's very easy to make us feel left out or rejected by the tribe if we're presented with the just the right stimuli, causing us to be distracted into a constant thought loop about feeling bad about ourselves. Remember, a happy person does not buy as much shit because they don't need it to feel better about themselves.

Anyway, if you’re indeed spending NYE by yourself, make sure you *STAY* off social media & TV, grab some alcohol or smoke a joint, put on some chill music, read a book, order in something so you don’t have to cook & go to bed early.

And when you wake up early the next morning, you’ll have stepped into 2018 rested, refreshed & with your mind somewhat peaceful, which I think will set the tone for the rest of the year.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

